Nice write up! I showed this to info graphic to my wife who is partially woke and she had no problems with it. I couldn’t formulate my issue with it other than I thought it was offensive. You articulated it well ie objective reasoning isn’t a white virtue, it’s a human one. Keep up the writing and posting (looked you up after your comments about the DNC to RNC fake switch on McWhorters substack).

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The American Dream is a neurotic delusion that the dumb White people are supposed to believe in. The Laws of Physics do not care about any culture, anyone, anything.

At the White fraternity I joined I found it amusing to look out of the 2nd floor stairwell window watching 4 White boys washing 4 cars Every Saturday morning. I thought it ironic that young men at an Engineering school would worship automobiles. I was cynical enough to accept planned obsolescence long before the STEM acronym became popular. Hand washing under engineered junk made no sense.

When can we force economists to report the annual depreciation of automobiles of cars since Sputnik. I watched Jay Leno in one of his Garage shows running a Merlin engine from WWII talking about how we have better lubricants today than back then. We have better electronic ignition control, but what else?

Planned Obsolescence is just a high technology form of slavery in my opinion. Never owned a new car or been to an auto show in 40+ years.

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Obviously as a white person, I can see these value judgments to some extent in my own upbringing, socialisation and actions. But what CRT seeks to do is put these values on me as a straitjacket and remind me loudly of these strands in all of my actions, to the exclusion of others, like solidarity, community, which are there too. Then CRT demands that I engage in some exhausting reflective work which somehow may loosen the straitjacket and set me on the path to the status of an "ally" rather than accomplice.

Another challenge is "white culture in the US". Is whiteness the key determinant for white people in the US, or being from the US? If whiteness is so key, why not just say "whiteness everywhere"? In my experience, whites living in Mediterranean and Slavic counties are pretty much immune to imposing these kinds of values on themselves and see them as modern Anglo-Saxon thinking.

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terrifying....based on this I am an appalling failure of a white person. I fail on about 70% of these premises.

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